Sookie and Raxl take a moment to grudgingly take festive photos, to wish the world a "Merry Christmas!" Then Raxl took some time to spaz out in her lovely Macaulay tartan Christmas dress...
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...who is actually a girl, btw...she's an Asian Floating Frog. I've had her for about a year now. She lives in the paludarium with my two Aquatic Dwarf Frogs (George II and Gerrard), one guppy (Mr. Indigo) and two shrimp (Bubba Gump and Cherry Bomb). Daryl (a Red-banded Walking Frog) and Tet (a Firebelly Newt) live on the land portion. I knew I got that floating dock for some reason!
This is Harry! A bufo debilis (green toad/western green toad from the southern US). Not pictured, his buddy Hermione. He thinks he's making new friends just now.
I really must give our movie, “Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!” a big push for many reasons: our sweet kitty, Frodo who recently passed on to Rainbow Bridge, is a star in the movie, and I love the thought that my friends and family and anyone else can see him again via this movie! The first act also takes place during Christmas, and the movie itself is just a bunch of fun for fun’s sake! Catch *stellar* performances by Kevin Risk, Kelsey Matheson, Conor McCreery, Darcy Windover, Dave Krstin, Jason Reilly, Andrea Lyons, R. J. Downes, Kim Croscup, Kyle McKeown, and many, many others. All shot in Toronto in various locations, including the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood, and the old and new (at the time) Cat Doctor vet clinics! So many great memories — I hope you might like to buy it and/or rent it and/or recommend it! You can find it here (iTunes, in the horror section, of all places): Also, “Space Zombies!”, the paperback adaptation of the film, just got some great notes from one of the judges at the Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards: "As a science fiction B-movie fan, I was excited to read a novel version of a zombie film. Space Zombie! did not disappoint me. Now I want to see the movie. I found Macaulay’s story hilarious. What isn’t campy and over-the-top about it? Everything lives up to what science fiction B-movie aficionados will easily recognize as the glory of the ludicrous. The premise, characters and parts of speech are all genuine ‘camp’: “He withdrew a weird ray-gun thingy from under his long, black cloak” (24). I adored the way the humans never noticed a zombie clumping around, making obvious noise, until it was too late. It is so entertaining that the zombies want to merge with the superior cat species and not even waste time eating human brains, however delectable they may be. Ju-jube has convincing cat thoughts and the pussy jokes are exactly where they should be. I loved the impending end of civilization symbolized in the clash of the giant toad and the giant starfish. From the cover art of the book showing a “12 cents” price and all the wonderful elements of campy art on both back and front, I truly found this book to be brilliant. It should be sold in every joke and trinket shop on America’s coastlines, preferably with an option to buy the DVD at the same time. The size of the book is perfect…” — Judge, 23rd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards. For copies of the novelette adaptation of “Space Zombies!”, you can buy a copy directly from me (this would probably be your cheapest rate - $6 plus shipping if necessary - contact me at [email protected]), or you can buy from Lulu for the next cheapest rate: You can also get it from, if it works for you to buy it in a bundle with other American things:! You can also get a paperback version of the movie script from Lulu: And there’s the short film “The Scary Bitch Project” from long ago…way back in the late nineties…you can buy it through Triple Take’s website: And we can’t forget my first picture storybook, just recently launched this past October and which received an honourable mention in the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards — “Beverlee Beaz the Brown Burmese”! This makes a wonderful holiday gift to parents with/and children ages 3-7! You can get copies from me directly (while supplies last) for $15 plus shipping (if necessary) - contact me through my production email: [email protected].
Or you can buy a copy from Ella Minnow Children’s Bookstore in Toronto or online at: (use the search bar - type in Beverlee Beaz the Brown Burmese). Or you can buy from (or .com): You can also get the Kindle version from (or .com): There’s also a number of plays and movie scripts that my company, Triple Take Productions, has published that make great gifts for movie and theatre lovers, and they are all discounted for the holiday season:
“Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem!” the paperback script - “Horror At Terror Creek” the paperback play - “The Aquarium” the paperback play (co-written with Allison McWood) - “The Paradise Lust Romance Series” the paperback play (co-written with Judy Singh, R.J. Downes, Nat Lauzon and Julianne Grenkie Ouderkirk) - “It Was Kit & Shakespeare’s Brain” the paperback plays by Allison McWood - “Crime & Etiquette” the paperback play by R. J. Downes - “They Suck” the paperback script by Kevin Risk and Regan T. M. Pazuzu (reader discretion advised—language, comic sexual situations and gore) - You can support me and my authorly endeavours by purchasing short stories or short story collections: “Jason and Jake”, a short story for young children, with illustration by Kevin Risk! - “The Kiss”, a fantasy short story about an unusual kiss - “Thrice Upon a Time” anthology (with “The Kiss”) - or “Envy”, plus other 100-word stories in the “100 Worlds” anthology - “Space Zombies and Felines Unite!” and other silly sci-fi stories in the "Cosmic Vegetable" anthology - “The Institute” in Night to Dawn issue 27 through Amazon (extreme horror):…/…/ref=sr_1_1… “The Institute” in Night to Dawn issue 27 through Lulu (extreme horror):…/night…/paperback/product-22005375.html Come visit Beverlee's Kindle Book Launch Party at its Facebook Event Page on December 6th. The party starts at 3pm EST and wraps up at 5pm EST. There will be "virtual cookies" ... and some giveaways of the e-book, too!
February 2025
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