LOVELY THINGS Author: Jolene Stubby Artist: Jim Stuckey “Lovely things are all around, in each season, sight and sound; gifts so wondrous, pure, and true – lovely things for me and you.” This touching, poetic picture book expresses thankfulness for the beauty, wonder, and joy that each season brings. It helps children develop appreciation for the majesty of God’s creation and gratitude for the simple things in life. THE GARDENS: A CHILDREN'S EASTER MUSICAL Author: Dixie Phillips, Sharon Phillips, Charlotte Coles As Sapphire and Ruby learn the joys of the garden, they have a secret Visitor. The girls listen to His prayer and watch as His tears water their garden in Gethsemane. From the Garden of Eden to the garden tomb, their lives are forever changed when the Master Gardener redeems the garden. This book includes 2 editions of the same play; One for larger churches or schools and a simpler version for a smaller cast with less performers. Also available a CD with the musical tracks for kids to learn to sing the songs for this play. AMOS FACES HIS BULLY Author: Cheryl C. Malandrinos Illustrator: Jack Foster Amos is targeted by the town bully because he is so small. When word reaches Amos of his friend David’s battle with Goliath, he thinks back to what David told him about putting his faith in God’s protection. Perhaps the same God can help Amos face his bully, too. DON'T PUT GUM IN THE FISH BOWL Author: Wesley Stuart Illustrator: Sirac When Mom told Peggy to babysit her siblings, she had no idea what lay in store: giant floating goldfish, chatty birds and demanding bees. Not to mention dirty diapers— and all because of a piece of gum and a fish? Will Peggy get the kids home safely before Mom comes home? Help! Suggested age range for readers: 3-8
Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, or Does It? by Barbara Even Streif Wouldn't it be awesome if you had a money tree in your backyard? Join this curious girl as she tries to find out the truth. Can money grow on trees? I'm Not Scared! by Roxanne Stephenson Bees, dreams and storms are a few things Max fears at bedtime. Read along to experience how God guides Max and helps him eliminate his biggest childhood fears. Karla the Dog: Urban Gardening by C.Q. Wilder M.ED and Niraj Ray After using her imagination with her neighbor Elijah, Karla the Dog receives an invitation from friends Nala and Niraj. The two want CQ and her to visit their wonderful community rooftop garden and enjoy a fun pizza party. While there, Karla and Nala explore and learn about urban gardening in the city and how it is different from other types of gardening. They also learn about different types of plants and animals that can be found in urban gardens. However, before the party ends, CQ receives a phone call that leaves Karla pondering about their next adventure. Please visit for more information about the Karla the Dog series and for more information about urban gardening. From Mirror World Publishing:
"...quasi-sequel to Sandra Unerman‘s Spellhaven; Ghosts and Exiles! A generation after the events of Spellhaven, a family tries to find their way in a post-magic society. While some still search to revive the secrets of the city and powers they once lost, others are plagued by what magic and ghosts remain to haunt them in 1930’s England...if you haven’t read Spellhaven, I suggest you pick it up and get started. Though, even if you jump right into Ghosts and Exiles when it comes out, you won’t be confused as it is an entirely new set of characters with their own story to tell." It's out April 17th of this year...check out the cover reveal below! For more on the cover reveal and other info about Ghosts and Exiles from the Mirror World Publishing site, click HERE. Check it out! (From Lauri Fortino's blog): "When Tamara, a baby Red-eared Slider turtle, was chosen from the pet store and taken home by a little boy and his mom, she thought it was the start of a good life. And it was good, for a while, until the boy lost interest in her and forgot to clean her tank, and sometimes even to feed her. Not knowing the right thing to do, the boy’s mother released Tamara into a nearby creek. But the Painted turtles who lived there told her she didn’t belong, so Tamara set off to find a place where she did belong–a place where she could thrive..." READ THE REST ON FROG ON A (B)LOG! My wonderful assistant and I have just finished work on a comprehensive lesson plan to go with the book and readings of Tamara Turtle's Life So Far. I look forward to beginning school visits in the Toronto area this spring!
THE JOURNEY OF SASTHESQUATCH Written by Denise Kaderabek and Matthew Weiler Illustrated by Nicolas Peruzzo Sasthesquatch is a lovable Bigfoot who is curious about the human world. Soon he leaves the forest behind and heads out on a new adventure. Tag along on his journey as he discovers all the fun things we can do! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Written by Leon Weitrab Illustrated by Pritali Joharapurkar Let’s be honest, parents (and grandparents, too) – how many times have you asked those young people that seem to be continually underfoot and marching to a very different drummer, that simple question: "What are you doing?" Your need to ask that question may always seem obvious to you, but did you ever wonder how that question is heard by the young child you are addressing? Just as we already know that those youngsters are soaking up new information and forming new ideas in their little heads every single day, we also need to know that they are trying, in their own, distinct ways, to relate to the world around them – often in ways that make much sense to them but raise doubts to the adults around them. What Are You Doing? will help you see many situations through a child’s eyes, enabling you to understand better what is going through their minds, even while you have many doubts of your own. PADDY O'ROURKE'S LEPRECHAUN TRICKERY Written by Sarah Case Mamika Illustrated by Nicolas Peruzzo Summary |
February 2025
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