Bright and fun, Macaulay’s latest features an unlikely group of adorable friends trying to form their own music band. Alfie, a small Maltipoo, is good at playing guitar and singing. He dreams about having his own music band. Tunny, Ollie, and Raxl, Alfie’s best friends, leap up the idea, and Dog Band, the new musical band in the town, comes into existence. But there is one problem: the group has no idea what kind of music to play. They ask everyone—from dogs to frogs, but everybody has their own idea about the type of music the band should play. What will the band decide? Macaulay cleverly incorporates music-related words in the narrative, skillfully teaching young children about a vast array of musical instruments, kinds of music popular across the globe, and names of different dog and cat breeds. Wei Lu’s exuberant, delightful illustrations romp across the pages, detailing story elements through apt emotions. This fun tale, with its significant message about making one’s own choices will encourage readers to try their hands at various musical instruments while making them laugh. With its fun storyline and a wealth of visual treats, the book should make it to every young music lover’s bookshelf. -- 5 stars from BookView Review
Here's a taste...
Welcome to BookView Interview, a conversation series where BookView talks to authors. Recently, we talked to Regan W.H. Macaulay, about her writing and her recently released children’s picture book, Dog Band, a fun and vibrant story that delivers significant message about making one’s own choices, (read the review here). What inspired the premise of your book? And how do you come up with names for your characters? The four dogs/main characters of Dog Band are all based on real dogs that have been in my life at one time or another. Ditto goes for the two cats who are also eventual members of Dog Band at the end of the book. I have had a lot of pets in my life, not only because I love animals so much, but because I’ve worked with so many in several different capacities—as a vet assistant at the Cat Doctor in Toronto, working at Pet Cuisine and Accessories, also in Toronto, as an Animal Care Specialist and Wrangler on the set of Once Upon a Hamster (Season III), and now I am a Certified Canine and Feline Massage Therapist (and Reiki Practitioner)—my mobile business is called Kuri K9 Massage. Alfie, lead guitar, lead singer, and overall leader of Dog Band is based on a most adorable and incorrigible Maltipoo (Maltese Poodle cross), who very obviously had a big impact on my life before I was even a dog mom myself. He wasn’t my dog, but he was my friend and made a BIG and lasting impression. Raxl, singer and “swing” player (of any instrument she likes) is based on my own pupster, the super and most wonderful Chihuahua dogger of my life! She is also kind of a mascot for Kuri K9 Massage ... For the rest CLICK HERE! Celebrating Day #24 of Be Kind To One Another Days! Find out what happens in Nicky and the Mysterious Bag written by Kateryna Reshetova. A fictional, entertaining story about a boy named Nicky and his mysterious bag. This book talks about helping others in difficult times, even though a person may look different than others. Find out what the mystery in the bag is! (Available in English and Russian) Celebrating yet another double-dose of KINDNESS for our month-long "Be Kind To One Another Days" celebrations.
I'm excited to introduce DRAKE by Children's Author, Lee Porter. Drake (the dragon) and this wonderful tale will leave readers wanting more! With incredible, vibrant images, children will be drawn in from the moment they see this book! Drake doesn't fit in with the rest of kids that live in the forest. He is too big and clumsy and his friends no longer want to play with him. What will happen when a fire breaks out in the forest and Drake is the only one who can help? Will Drake do the right thing and help his friends? Teachers, parents and caregivers will be sure to find this a must-have for their children's book collection. It's Day #20 of Be Kind To One Another Days! Today we celebrate this wonderful book by Singer/Songwriter and Children's Author, Carmelita Clark. Her book KIND WORDS is the perfect addition to our event. Originally written as a song, Carmelita has turned her inspiration song into a children's book! With over 30 years of teaching experience, she knows how to draw children in with her music and creativity. You can find out more about her work here: Celebrating another double-dose of Kindness on Day #21 of Be Kind To One Another Days! The Smiley Girl, written by Children's Author Ornella Ngabire, is an adorable story about a little girl who creates a kindness calendar to share with others! A wonderful tool for teachers and parents to use with their own children and students. -with Confidently Chloe Celebrating Day #22 of BK21A Days with a little FUN! Oodles and oodles of noodley noodles by Children's Author Cindy Ninni Grant is a fun-filled book about a little girl who just LOVES her noodles.............but will she end up sharing them? Let's find out! Find out more here: Enjoy more great books during the month of May here: Wee Bees Learning Centre -with Confidently Chloe Day #23: Woo-hoo! It's my turn today (times 2) in this month of Kindness! First, we have Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana!
And my next entry for this month of Kindness, Mixter Twizzle’s Breakfast! Some incredible news! Our picture book, “Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana”, which was reviewed in Kirkus online, was chosen to have its review featured in the Indie section of the 5/15 issue of “Kirkus Reviews”!
* You can get your very own copy of “Libby the Lobivia Jajoiana” from Mirror World Publishing & directly from this website! ![]() Welcome to my first interview in the world of children and children's literature! This interview is with Ms. Kay of Kayz Little Einstein Academy! Kayz Little Einstein Academy, LLC provides a mobile early learning and development service exclusively for children ages 6 months to eight years old in the comforts of the parents’ own home at an affordable cost. It will base in the Tampa Bay area. You'll find more info here: Now, check out the interview in the video below: ![]() Ms. Kayz Summer Camp Experience The Magic of Our Summer Camp The Theme for this year's summer camp is Around the World, where we offer kids ages 2 - 6 an opportunity to travel and learn about the world and the many cultures while remaining in the classroom. We provide a structured and age-appropriate day for growth and development. Our enriched program is designed for campers to promote independence and self-confidence all while making new friends and learning exciting new skills and cultures. To find out more and to discover if our Summer Camp is a good fit for your child, please read on or get in touch with us. Be sure to check back for my next interview with Sami Orlando (Facebook handle), who is studying to be a Child Life Specialist ... it will be posted in July, after my annual June break!
Celebrating Day #16 of BK21A Day! Be Kind To One Another Days is delighted to share Children's Author Annette Bentley Smith's book; Nyra's (Bully) FRIEND! This heart-warming story teaches kindness and compassion and is a great teaching tool for parents and educators. This book will teach your children how to overcome obstacles they may face in school, all while teaching them about kindness and compassion along the way. Find out more from this amazing author and all of her books here Celebrating Day #17 of Be Kind To One Another Days! Today's feature is a delightful story by Children's Author Jessie Bairos-Retsas called The Sun Prince. This is a wonderful little story with a message of KINDNESS! A wonderful example of why we need to be kind to one another Celebrating Day #18 of BK21A Days! Be Kind To One Another Days is delighted to share Lucky's Adventure in The Great Outdoors by Children's Author; Elizabeth Macy. Find out what happens when 2 furry friends go camping in the great outdoors! Will new friendships blossom? Follow Wee Bees Learning Centre during the month of May for more wonderful books celebrating KINDNESS ! -with @Confidently Chloe Celebrating Day #19 of BK21A Days with Children's Author Kelly Hay-Vurinaris and her best-selling book; Hi, I'm me.
This heart-warming tale about and a mother and daughter captures the beauty in human differences. It's the perfect story for parents and teachers who want to teach children about inclusivity, and how everyone has equal value no matter how they look. Kelly Vurinaris is a mom and an advocate for kindness and acceptance for everyone. She is committed to changing the world one face at a time. She created this book to help children with differences understand that if you add your voice, you are no longer an object to be stared at, you're a person. You can find more details about this book here: Confidently Chloe and HAPPY WORLD TURTLE DAY!
To celebrate, I’m offering the Kindle version of my picture book, “Tamara Turtle’s Life So Far” for FREE all weekend! I’d also love to get some more reviews, if you’re willing, so please take this opportunity to get your free digital copy—and you, too, can help turtles in need of rescue, just like Tamara! Tamara the turtle's life is about to take an unexpected turn. After Tamara's owner loses interest in her, she is released into a nearby creek. There's just one problem: she doesn't belong in that environment. Will she be rescued and brought to safety? Join Tamara on her journey as she learns more about herself and other pet turtles like her. About HALF of all proceeds will be donated to reptile rescues. Get your FREE Kindle copy of “Tamara Turtle’s Life So Far” on and Find out more info about World Turtle Day at Celebrating Day #13 of BK21A Days 2021! (Be Kind To One Another Days) Lily's Loud Mouth, by Children's Author Laura Lawrence, is a perfect book to help children learn how to be spread love and kindness in this world. All superheroes have unique powers and Lily's is her voice! Find more details here: Facebook: Enjoy a new book a day in the month of May on KINDNESS! Wee Bees Learning Centre -with Confidently Chloe Celebrating Day #14 of Be Kind To One Another Days 2021! Enjoy learning bout Unicorn Jazz and Friends in this delightful book "Bee-ing Happy" by Children's Author; Lisa Caprelli. Be sure to follow us for the month of May as we post a new book-a-day on KINDNESS all month long! Wee Bees Learning Centre For more details: Celebrating Day #15 of Be Kind To One Another Days (BK21A Days) Children's Author Natasha Michaud has written a wonderful book about kindness, caring and compassion towards animals. An adorably illustrated book with a message of love throughout!
Thank you Natasha for sharing your beautiful book and message with us! You can find more details about the author and her book here: Welcome to the first of a series of blog interviews with authors of children's books! We begin with Carolyn Wilker, whose recently published picture book, Sophie and the Giant Boy had it's virtual launch party the end of last month. Thank you again for participating in my children’s author interview series! Thank you, Regan, for the opportunity. To begin with, please tell me a bit about yourself—your background in writing for children and in other genres. I studied Early Childhood Education and worked with children in preschool and day care centres, then after being home with my children, I took on a variety of other creative jobs, including a sewing business, before starting to write and edit. Attending writer’s conferences was part of my learning, then experimenting with various genres including book reviews, inspirational writing, devotional, op-ed, and poetry. In the early days, I wrote stories for children as well. My work has been published in a variety of places, regional to international. And now I’m writing, and doing storytelling. Also editing, after taking courses from Ryerson. You launched your most recent picture book, Sophie and the Giant Boy, the end of April. What inspired the premise? How did this story come to be? Due to circumstances, I launched the book in April, months after the book came off the press. The story came, I suppose, as any story does, often by surprise. I was driving on the expressway one day and noticed vines on the tops of sound barrier walls. It looked somewhat like fingers on the top, as if someone was trying to climb that wall. Being trained to keep pen and paper with me, I kept the idea in mind until I reached my destination. Knowing it would be awhile until I was back home, I took a few notes. When I returned home, I reread the note, sat at my computer and the story spilled out. There was no intended theme, it just evolved. At your launch party, I believe I heard you mention that your illustrator, Bear Graves, based Sophie on a real-life young girl you know…are you able to talk a bit about that? How did you come up with the “giant” characters? Yes, she did ask. Everyone works differently. I thought that since Sophie was about 5 and her bright and cheerful character was a lot like my 5-year-old granddaughter, Mya, that she would be the perfect model. She acted like the character and even looked like what I had in mind. I provided a couple of photos. I didn’t have a person for the giant boy character. I only knew that he might be a few years older since he was missing a couple of front teeth, that he would be much taller and that he had red hair and freckles. Based on one of those characteristics, I decided that the boy’s name should be Lenny, what my extended family lovingly calls my husband. That’s the only borrowed feature. As the story evolved, it just seemed natural that Lenny’s Dad should go looking for him, so that’s where the other giant came from. And Lenny’s father would have similar features. Bear’s sketches evolved and were just what I had envisioned, only better. The theme became clear as we put the book together and I had to consider how to describe the story to others. I remembered that my childhood friend Gayleen had to contend with being small all her life, and how so much of life was a challenge for her. As well as dedicating this book to my grandchildren who often inspire me, I felt that my childhood friend should be included there too. There's more to read! Click "Read More" for the rest of the interview...
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