A pair of young reviewers read over my picture storybook, Sloth the Lazy Dragon and have reviewed it for younger children - check it out:
"We just finished reading this book (Sloth the Lazy Dragon) together with our Nee. We especially enjoyed the illustrations that were very colourful and showed good detail. It was also a good book because it had a good message. I, Jack, am like Sloth . My mom thinks sometimes I am lazy. However, I work out at sports and things so I am very fit. I, Wade, am also very fit. Wade loved the 'magenta' colour word and Jack enjoyed 'girth,' 'belching' and the 'chasm of sharp Ivory teeth.' Wade thought the main message of the book was to always be helpful, while Jack thought it was not to be lazy and to help other people. This would be a good book for kids who are not into novels. Thanks for a good message." Jack S. age 12 & Wade S. age 10
We've been together for 15 years as of today! (Married 12 years this Halloween). I love you, Kevin!
My sweet boy, Frodo, would have been 17 years old today. I miss you so much, you awesome little man!
Children's Bookwatch: August 2016 James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief Diane Donovan, Editor Midwest Book Review 278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575 The Health Shelf Sloth the Lazy Dragon Regan W. H. Macaulay, author Alex Zgud, illustrator Guardian Angel Publishing 9781616337612, $19.95 HC, www.amazon.com 9781616337629, $10.95 PB, www.GuardianAngelPublishing.com "Sloth the Lazy Dragon" is a delightful health fable that teaches children the value of eating a balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise. It also teaches something about the value of trust, giving without expecting compensation, and respecting differences. Sloth was a lazy dragon who had stopped leaving his cave of treasures because it was too much trouble. He survived on eating stray goats who wandered into his cave. He became heavy and weak, unable to fly like a proper dragon. Sloth's secret was guessed by an unlikely ally, Radish the dwarf. Despite Sloth's fearful appearance, Radish confronted him with his poor health despite Sloth's ineffective threats . Sloth mistrusted Radish, whose brothers and sisters in the mountain feared Sloth. But Radish convinced him to allow him to help by bringing him healthy fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and lean fish to eat. Radish also taught the dragon simple strengthening exercises, gradually increasing their intensity. Finally one fine day the dragon was ready to fly again. Radish told Sloth: "You must continue with your diet and keep up your exercise, but you are a proper dragon again!" "I am forever grateful," Sloth replied with a bow.' In the end, Sloth decided to leave his gold and hoard of treasures to Radish and the other dwarves, from whom he had originally stolen them. "Sloth the Lazy Dragon" is enhanced by joyous, pastel, comic images of the dragon and his struggle to return to good dragon health. Children will adore the extreme indulgence of Sloth and the spunkiness of Radish. "Sloth the Lazy Dragon" is excellent health motivational reading for children ages 4-7. August 2016 Edition
Guardian Angel Kids free monthly eZine (An online magazine for Kids!) Inspiring Stories About Animals with Disabilities SPECIAL FEATURE: A Friend for Freckles by Erin Liles, Illustrations by Alexander Morris POEM: Whiskers by Pamela Love FICTION SHORT STORIES: Bosco, the Deaf Dog by Shari L. Klase The Crow with a Broken Wing by Natisha Parsons Yes! for Eddie by Catherine May Webb NONFICTION: Blind Faith, the Story of Stormy the Horse by Carol J. Douglas Help! My Doggy Has Arthritis by Irene Roth Brought to you by Guardian Angel Publishing www.guardian-angel-kids.com In and Out, All ‘Round About – Opposite Friends
by Penelope Anne Cole Illustrated by Agy Wilson Penelope Anne Cole’s In and Out, All ‘Round About – Opposite Friends is a book with a beautiful message in rhythmic verse. It’s about a friendship between a boy and a girl of different races who share the various ups and downs of young life. Even when they end up moving away from each other, their friendship endures. Opposites in general, and how they fit into the lives of these two kids, are featured in verse and repetitive patterns. Agy Wilson’s illustrations are beautifully executed—they bring the moments these two friends share fully to life. In and Out, All ‘Round About – Opposite Friends is an excellent choice for schools, libraries and homes. Learn more about Penelope at: http://www.penelopeannecole.com/ Please note: I reviewed a free copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion/review. |
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